CIN009 Industrial Electronic Pest Repelling System | Demands Insects, Bats, and Rodents to Flee!
Our Most Powerful pest repeller with 9,000 Sq Ft of dominating Power/Coverage | Direct Targeting Ability
Over Five New Dominating Pest Repelling Features! We’ve found that Change is Key when Repelling!
1) High Intensity Ultrasonic Pest Repelling Tech 2) Bat / Insect & Rodent Pest Targeting Switch
Our Most Powerful pest repeller with 9,000 Sq Ft of dominating Power/Coverage | Direct Targeting Ability
Over Five New Dominating Pest Repelling Features! We’ve found that Change is Key when Repelling!
1) High Intensity Ultrasonic Pest Repelling Tech 2) Bat / Insect & Rodent Pest Targeting Switch
3) Digitally Processed Electromagnetic Inner Wall Pest Repelling 4) Pest Confusion Switch
5) Turbulent Storm Ultrasonic Pest Repulsive Technique, Keeps Pests on Edge & not allowing them to get use to the repulsive sounds
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